Sunday, April 1, 2012


As I said in my last post, I was honored to bake the cakes for Philip's birthday.  However, there is a story behind the decorated cake.  I rarely have a recipe that is a complete flop but I had a complete flop of one cake and the decorated cake was the 3rd cake I had baked.  Thank goodness it turned out fine!  Actually better than fine, one guest at the party said he had had cake from a famous bakery and this was better than theirs!  Don't remember the name of the bakery, ( how bad is that!) but was very pleased with the compliment.

Now, the cake that failed was beautiful when I took it out of the oven.  Nicely browned, tested done and was perfect.  I turned away to clean up my mess and when I turned around, oh my goodness!, I was aghast when I saw it had fallen!  Flatter than a flitter!  What was 2" high when I took it out of the oven was now 1/2" high and about an inch away from the sides of the pan.  I have no idea what happened.  It was a recipe I use for cheater Italian Creme Cake only I did not put the coconut or pecans in it.  Should have been a very tasty cake but it has been reduced to a very tasty fallen cake that has a creamy texture and will be good with strawberries. 

One more thing about cake I was a mix!  I love Duncan Hines cake mixes!  This one was French Vanilla.  It is so good I can't describe it.  I have a white cake I make from scratch called "Silver White Cake" from Betty Crocker but this is just as good if not better.  My family has a hard time telling the difference and that says a lot.  I will publish the Cheater Italian Creme Cake recipe and the Silver White Cake too.  Soon!

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